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We built Ikaria With Longevity in Mind.

We take inspiration from Ikaria, the “Island of Longevity” — focusing on the enduring senior living and healthcare real estate sector, while prioritizing longevity in the relationships we build with our clients.

Let's Talk

A history of Trust, Collaboration, and success.

Our team has spent the better part of our careers working together at Lancaster Pollard (now Lument) and White Oak Healthcare Partners:

Establishing White Oak Healthcare Partners and White Oak Healthcare Finance’s FHA/HUD Lending Platform, which since inception in 2020 became a Top 3 FHA/HUD LEAN healthcare lender
Growing Lancaster Pollard to be one of the largest healthcare and senior living capital providers in the country, including the leading FHA/HUD healthcare lender in volume from 2010-2019
Meet the Team
Let’s talk numbers.

Favorable demographic trends and returns in the growing and underserved senior living real estate sector have resulted in significant demand for capital and an influx in strategic capital investment:

The number of 85+ Americans is projected to grow at ~4x the rate of overall population growth through 2030, more than doubling the number of 85+ from 6.4M to >13.7M
Maintaining the same ratio of 85+ individuals to available units as today will require the addition of 30-40% more units
Health care spending is projected to grow ~1% faster than GDP, at an average of 5.4% from 2022-2031, and reach 19.6% of GDP in 2031
DRIVING IMPACT & Accelerating change through

Competency, Creativity & Concentration


Founded in 2024 by former White Oak Healthcare Partners and Lancaster Pollard veterans, our management team is comprised of industry leaders, with over 80 years of collective experience.


Approaching each opportunity with an open mind allows for the flexibility needed to deliver the right combination of capital, management expertise, and support to help our partners achieve meaningful results.


Focusing only on specific and strategic sectors has allowed us to build a national presence and extensive network of contacts—so we can bring the highest quality owner/operators and capital together.